Team members at EABS in Sofia

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Warsaw team members plan to present papers at the annual meeting of EABS in Sofia (16–18 July 2024).


Mariola Anna Trojanowska will speak about: “Wives in the Book of Esther” at the Session 2.2.11.

Giorgio Paolo Campi will present the paper “‘[…] and one name will enclose it’: Zech 14:9–10 between Text and Tradition” at the Session 1.2.6

At the Session 3.1.24 in room 41 we will present the following set of papers:

  • Giorgio Paolo Campi, The Aramean Deity Bīt-il in Personal Names between the Bible and Yāḫūdu: The Case of Bīt-il-šar-uṣur
  • Łukasz Niesiołowski–Spano, Did the Jerusalem Temple Possess Land Properties during the Persian Period? Remarks on Land Ownership and the Role of the Sabbatical Year Legislation
  • Haggai Olshanetsky, The Soldiers that Forged the Septuagint: The Military Reasons for King Ptolemy II’s Funding the Translation of the Pentateuch into Greek
  • Krystyna Anna Stebnicka, Title Providence of the Emperor