
Krystyna Stebnicka

University of Warsaw
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Krystyna Stebnicka is an associate professor at the Faculty of History at the University of Warsaw. Her main interests are the Jewish diaspora of the Hellenistic and Roman periods and the Greek cities of the Roman East. Her publications include Identity of the Diaspora: Jews in Imperial Asia Minor (Warsaw 2015), which she authored, Prosopography of Greek Rhetors and Sophists of the Roman Empire (Oxford: OUP 2015), and Women and the Polis. Public Honorific Inscriptions for Women in the Greek Cities from the Late Classical to the Roman Period (Leiden-New York: de Gruyter 2021), which she co-authored, as well as co-written with Łukasz Niesiołowski–Spanò – History of the Jews in Antiquity. From Thotmes to Muhammad, Warsaw 2020 (in Polish).

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