Sarah Hollaender is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Old Testament Studies, University of Graz.
She completed her PhD program in Classical Archaeology at the University of Alberta in 2021 (supervisors: Prof. Dr. Steven Hijmans & Prof. Dr. Margriet Haagsma). Her doctoral dissertation, “Portraits of Women as Goddesses and Heroines in Cross-Gendered Dress from the Roman Imperial Period”, offers the first comprehensive analysis of these striking and ‘transgressive’ monuments, systematically exploring the complex interplay between attributions of virtue to contemporary women in Roman society and the visual (dress) codes in their portraiture.
Her main research interests include ancient iconography, mythology, and gender and sexuality.
As a postdoctoral researcher of the project, she is currently researching the iconography of the Southern Levant in the Persian and Hellenistic periods, as part of the broader aim of mapping the religious-historical landscape on the basis of biblical and extra-biblical sources.